A Love Letter to The Gathering of the Creatives
Dear Tribe of Creatives,
As I reflect on The Gathering of the Creatives, my heart is full and overflowing. Friday, September 20 through Sunday, September 22 are some of the finest days of 2019. Beginning with Julia Cameron, The Godmother of Creatives and deemed by The New York Times as “The Queen of Change.” The Artist’s Way is one of her many creations and appeared in my life as a lighthouse. Engulfed by grief-induced darkness, following the convergence of breast cancer, the loss of my natural breasts, the education system changing me when it was my intention to change the system, the loss of my dearest friend and beloved teacher and unearthing the trauma caused by childhood sexual abuse, The Artist’s Way beckoned, “Climb out. Keep moving. Living fully expressed is this way.” I am a good listener. Being with Julia was pure magic. The Creator moves through her freely and it is beautiful to behold.
In 2018, the conference began with a fire walk lead by Heather Ashamara, author of “Warrior Goddess Training” and “Warrior Goddess Way.” She asked, “If you could create anything what would it be?” My answer: “I would create a school in Tanzania that nurtures creativity, (rooted in The Artist’s Way) teaches an entrepreneurial way of being, in support of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals and financial independence for girls. Then, I walked across fire. My feet met coals burning at 1200 degrees Fahrenheit “twice.” The Kuhn tribe, walk across fire in preparation for something big. The following March, I was on a listening and learning tour in Tanzania. Why Tanzania? Because, I was inspired by my friend Maggie Duncan Simbeye, phenomenal Tanzanian woman, co-founder and executive director of Dare Women’s Foundation and owner of Maggie’s Tour Company. In my mind, I see a Tanzania supporting more unique versions of Maggie, walking fiercely in their purpose and power. Why Tanzania? My heart and soul called me there. As an educator and a creator, I am motivated by the following questions: 1. “Would humanity be experiencing the same problems if all girls were educated and empowered to create and fulfill their potential?” 2. “Where are the schools nurturing innovators to become leaders in their communities as well as globally?” 3. “Who are creating the opportunities we will need in 20 years that don’t exist today?”
Julia’s session was coming to a close. I was marinating in my creative juiciness and daydreaming -- gazing out the window at sunny Santa Fe -- thinking of the questions, the school and the Swahili word for crazy, “kichaa.” (pronounced key-cha) I was thinking how the world needs more “good kitchaa,” and then Julia closed her session by reading her poem entitled, “We are all Africa.” It went straight to my heart. Synchronicity is something we celebrate in The Artist’s Way. My heart lavishly turned to liquid, welled up in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks.
Walking across fire was surprising on many levels. I “should” have been petrified but I wasn’t. Power emerges when we stand in our Truth. My Granny was a tall and loving woman who married a monster named Harley Beardmore. He sexually abused me when I was five years old, until about ten. He said that if I told anyone, I would explode into flames, making my entry into hell easier. People would die. Predators condition children to keep them locked in silence. Instilling the fear of fire was part of my conditioning. Decades later, I walked over what I was taught to fear. The feeling can only be described as the energy of my body merging with the energy of the fire, and it was one of the best experiences of my life! Fire walking is being with the element of transformation. Sometimes the fire will kiss us where we are blocked. I walked again and received a little kiss on my left foot. We receive so many untruths throughout childhood, the loop has played so many times, they settle within a deep groove, continuing to block us as adults. We have all felt stuck because of an untruth that was never ours. We accepted the untruth as part of who we are for so long, it can be hard to let go. The fire shows us how. Surrendering to the fire, we release, breathe and become lighter. The fire burns the trash. In 2019, I walked four more times. The fire never kissed me once. Fire walking has revealed many gifts, including my dear friend and fire walking sister Esther Orloff. Check out her beautiful heart-filled artwork on Instagram @emakesart!
As a six-time firewalker, the fire in my belly traveled to where I would break an arrow with my throat. Yes, you read that right. Geez. How do you prepare for that? We each wrote a word on a block canvas. As I wrote the word “surrender,” I honored every bit of my healing journey with the longing to let go of “everything” no longer serving me. Sincerest gratitude to the person coaching us through our fears while anchoring the block canvas covered with the power of words. As the pointy end of the arrow, “yes, the sharp part,” was placed against my throat, the feathered end was lodged against the block canvas. Trust, fear and surrender have challenged me most of my life. I was ready to move through the entire trio. The arrow teaches us to show up. I closed my eyes, my arms lifted with my breath, as the wings of an eagle, leaving the past of engineering myself small behind. On the third count, I held my breath. It rested in my belly and mingled with the fire. The power rooted in my hips moved my body forward and broke the arrow. In that moment, I was taught to hesitate less. As the arrow flew into pieces and into the air, I felt the trickster holding my authentic voice hostage break into pieces too.
The guided meditation with Dr. Marie Mbouni was incredibly powerful in 2018. I was seeking clarity around the becoming of my business. Imagine my surprise, while working with a designer on logo creation for Blue Sky Thinking, when she presented the logo that appeared in the meditation with Dr. Marie! During the guided meditation in 2019, I was focused on completion of my book. It continues to present itself in new ways, throughout the process, and I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I attribute this to showing up every day in honor of the page and Dr. Marie’s guided meditation. “The Conscious Creativity
Method with Marie Mbouni,” was two hours of “energetic pathway rewiring kinesthetic bliss!” I was able to face a fear that has blocked me for years. Many of us who have been sexually abused as children yearn to be seen and heard. We are fearful of it as well. On a cellular level, being seen and heard is connected with a hurt that made us want to shrink and hide. We avoid being seen and heard, even as adults. And at the same time, we never want to be silenced again. We yearn to be seen and heard to make up for all the times we weren’t, within the security of love and protection.
The last time I visited Santa Fe was in May. We were celebrating our wedding anniversary by riding in the Sante Fe Century Ride. Five miles into the ride, I experienced a subarachnoid hemorrhage, a brain hemorrhage producing the most excruciating pain I’ve experienced in my life. While resting in the gratitude of being alive, I followed doctor’s orders of stillness, quiet and little to no screen time so my brain could heal itself. During this time, I decided to take a quick shimmy through Facebook and noticed a “mid-year check-in” post from Dr. Marie. I was certainly not where I wanted to be. Returning from Tanzania in March, my heart was full of dreams I longed to manifest in the name of quality education for all and empowering girls and women. I wanted to be doing that!
Anyone who has travelled the journey of breast cancer will know the fatigue is fierce and relentless. Breast cancer fatigue was greeted by brain hemorrhage fatigue. I didn’t know if this double dose of fatigue would allow me to go to the ball. While reading Marie’s post, I decided my desire to attend “The Gathering of the Creatives,” would be stronger than the fatigue. Incredibly, my brain did heal itself. In fact, I received an upgrade! There are no words to describe, “The Conscious Creativity Method with Marie Mbouni.” It would be like trying to capture a force of nature in a painting. It must be experienced fully. Major power surge! Everyone reclaimed power on one level or another. I reclaimed more of my power and trust in myself. I walked taller. This time was sacred.
Dearest Flora Bowley, thank you for the divine dance of art, creativity and all things magical (you) during “Make Everything Thrive!” While creating “I Am Ready,” I tapped into the power to silence my perfectionist twins, “Caroline and Henrietta,” (“shut your cake hole bitches!”) and surrender myself to creativity. It is a symbol of one of the most beautiful acts of surrender and holds a special place in my “creation station” at home.
Thank you Randy Davilla for your compassionate, genius nature and the immense heart and soul within the creation of The Gathering of the Creatives. Pitching my book, “Overpowering the Boogeyman,” during your session “The Art of Getting Published,” was beyond amazing! Surprised beyond belief not to be fearful. Vulnerability mingled with courage and strength. They danced together and then calm took over. Creative Reboot and The Gathering of the Creatives were a phenomenal part of my healing journey. My creativity began to flourish when I began to deal with the trauma I experienced. Pushing trauma down and wearing a mask to “fit in,” blocked my creativity. The dive into trauma, ugly as it was, opened me to the possibilities of both conferences, knowing my value and the value of investing in myself. Keep working your magic. Thank you to your entire team!
It wasn’t until just after pitching my book that the waves of “Oh My God” began to hit. There I stood on the steps of the El Dorado Hotel, thinking about taking a nap and attempting to find calm again within words I had written to describe the purpose of my book, “Through the power of conversation, together we take significant steps toward ousting the two main weapons from predators, shame and fear. “Overpowering the Boogeyman,” will serve as a resource in the prevention of childhood sexual abuse, and a pathway to healing, empowerment and thriving for survivors. As a survivor and thriver, the power of meditation, voice, forgiveness, and the discovery of our authentic power lies at the heart of this book.” And then, “there you were!” Big love and gratitude to the beautiful, courageous and strong survivors and thrivers who surrounded me, held sacred space, and shared with me the strong connection they felt with the title. We stood together in the knowing that the shame never belonged to us. Shame belongs entirely to the predator. We held the conversation that needs to take place universally to protect our children together. You were a magical part of the purpose of my book “coming alive” right there on those steps, even before the “official” publishing of the book. I am so incredibly grateful to you!
Thank you Jacob Nordby for your words of encouragement in 2018. Those words served as a lens of seeing not only my book being published but fulfilling its purpose as well. By attending your session in 2019, “The Power of Creative Alignment,” I now see that “magic is gaining a higher order of law” much more clearly. Creativity is magical. Your book, “Blessed are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives,” delivered the sense of belonging I needed as I was feeling my way through the dark. Like “The Artist’s Way,” I give copies of “Blessed are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives,” as well-loved gifts and am looking forward to reading your next book, “The Creative Cure.”
An effervescent element of the magic of creativity lies in collaboration. How incredibly special to be part of the collaborative painting led by Whitey Freya and Dr. Marie Mbouni. So much beauty emerged from each individual contribution! May we all continue to gain strength from each other’s creativity, liberate ourselves by flipping the script on fear, convert fear to fuel, walk with it as a friend and ask, “What do you have to teach me today?” The Artist’s Way teaches us that we cure fear by loving our inner artist. I proclaim this a priority every single day! It’s Plan A and there is no Plan B. May we always choose love over fear and surround ourselves with its power, as we birth our creations and bring an abundance of beauty into this world, throughout 2020 and beyond!
Peace, Love and Creativity,
Mahalo to Alyssa Carvalho, Owner of ACEND Visual Communications, Kauai native and phenomenal photographer with an exquisite artist’s eye! Visit her beautiful work on Instragram @acend.com.